The Instruction Book


Speaker: Darlene Sala | Series: Encouraging Words | When you buy a machine of any kind—whether it’s a computer, a car, or a sewing machine—you almost invariably receive a book of instructions. Most of us set these books aside, doubting we’ll ever use them. But one day if something goes wrong with your piece of equipment, you’ll probably to try to fix it yourself without any help. If you’re not successful, you’ll begin to think, “Where is that instruction book that came with this?”

You know that old saying, “If all else fails, read the instructions”? Well, we’d say a person is not very wise who knows nothing about a piece of equipment and yet would refuse to refer to the directions. Yet many people never open the instruction book that tells how to fix a human being—the Bible. It’s the book that tells where we came from, what we were made for, how we can be kept in working order–in fact, exactly what will make us most useful and effective. The tragedy of life is that so many people try to live their lives without the instruction Book.

Jesus said, “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). Maybe you’ve never opened a Bible. Where should you begin? Well, I’d suggest the book of Mark in the New Testament. For one thing, it’s short and to the point. You’ll get a quick overview of who Jesus is and why He came to earth.

Then, you might try 1 and 2 John. They’re near the end of the Bible, shortly before the last book called Revelation. As you read, mark verses that catch your attention and speak to your heart. You can always go back over those verses and think about them later.

You will be surprised how practical God’s instruction book is. Not only will you find directions on how to live, but you’ll meet the One who designed you–and He can fix anything.