Many of us take for granted the freedom we have to worship Jesus. There are millions around the world that can’t pray or gather publicly because they live in a country of conflict or oppression. There are also millions of others who live in despair because they have not heard of the hope, joy, love and peace that Jesus brings.
Yet because of your faithful prayers and gifts, we’ve been able to share the message of Jesus with many who would otherwise never known about it.
In Russia, Christians experience growing persecution from the government. Recent laws have made it illegal to share your faith or meet in a home church group. Yet despite the darkness and the danger, our missionaries in Russia still risk everything to demonstrate the love of God.
This past year, they held a secret Christian camp for kids. Hidden in the woods, kids slept in tents, participated in games and activities, and heard the message of Jesus. Some were from alcoholic families. Others were so poor and hungry that they ate 5-7 meals a day at the camp.
“Only a limited number of people knew where we were meeting. Parents released their children because they personally trusted us. God showed miracles every day, including good weather. The greatest miracle was more than 15 children accepted Christ as their Savior.”
– Valeria, Guidelines Missionary in Russia
Many of you prayed for that camp and for those children. Many of you donated this year, and those funds were used to put on this camp. Because of you, 15 children are celebrating Christmas this year, knowing the love, joy and peace of our Savior.
Your continued faithfulness in prayer and giving will sustain our programs so more people will encounter Jesus and follow him. Despite having most of our broadcast licenses taken away by the Russian government, we’re finding new ways to share about God through streaming devotionals online.
You have the opportunity to continue funding projects just like this, so that love of Jesus is shared even in countries of intense religious persecution.
You can shine the light of Jesus into the darkest regions of the world.