Bringing Back The Lost Art Of Hospitality

What makes it easy for some to show hospitality? What if entertaining others is only a prelude to a beautiful life lesson to being a follower of Jesus Christ?

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Why You Need This

This study will help you discover God's intent to bless those who obey His Word.

What You'll Get

You'll receive a free PDF download with 5 sections, containing Bible reading, a commentary and questions for reflection and discussion.

Who It's For

This study can be used for personal devotion or a group Bible study tool.

About Guidelines

Our Mission

Since 1963, Guidelines International Ministries has shined the light of the Gospel in places of spiritual darkness through audio messages that encourage, equip, and bring hope in Jesus to new believers, the unreached, and to those living under persecution.

What We Believe

  • The entire Bible was given to man by inspiration of the Holy Spirit and it is God’s authoritative guide for life and living.
  • Humankind came into existence as an act of God. Every person is created by God in His image and is important to God.
  • Jesus was born of a virgin, the unique fusion of both God and man.
  • Jesus died for all of our sins, was buried and came back to life three days later.
  • Through faith in Christ alone we find forgiveness from our sins, are transformed into new people and receive the promise of eternal life.
  • The Holy Spirit lives in God’s people, giving them new life, enabling us to find purpose and meaning in life.
  • Every believer is to share the hope of the gospel. This is done through the power of the Holy Spirit. This is the mandate of Scripture and the mission of Guidelines.

Guidelines Transforms Lives with the Message of Jesus

We are a Christian ministry that produces life-changing devotional content to help people live out their faith and impact their communities.