Precious Kids Center in Kitale, Kenya has welcomed a new member into their family!

Guidelines’ missionary, Sammy Hammork, established Precious Kids Center to assist children with disabilities and empower their parents to understand their childrens’ needs better. Each family is unique in its own way and has specific needs. Sammy recently crossed paths with a young boy and his mom and just like that, her heart welcomed them in. Let’s meet the Kipruto family.
Sammy writes: Emmanuel, Manu for short, has been with us since April. I first met Emmanuel at a clinic in Kitale. His mother had taken him for a checkup to make sure that his shunt was working and didn’t have the money to be able to get him to Kijabe the following week for a check up. Kijabe is about a five-hour drive. She shyly waited by the car and quietly asked if I could help her. So I gave her a little money to go to Kijabe and get Emmanuel checked out.
When she came back we stopped by her house to check on them. When we got there we talked about Emmanuel and got to spend some time with him. He is four and a half years old and has Hydrocephalus. His mother had trouble getting the funds to pay for his surgery, but when the doctors at Kijabe saw how urgently he needed an operation they generously helped her out by doing it for free. Emmanuel’s father abandoned his family because he said that Emmanuel couldn’t possibly be his son. This left his mother to provide for not only Emmanuel, but also three other children on her own. So she moved back in with her parents, who also didn’t seem like they were very loving or accepting of Emmanuel. We could see how much this mother loves her child and wants the best for him, the problem is she doesn’t have the income to be able to do that, so we brought him to live at PKC.
Manu is a smart little boy who is just starting to talk and within a week of him being at the house he already knew everyone’s names. We were able to get a special chair made to give him the proper support to sit on his own so that he can attend classes and be around the other kids. We love having feisty little Emmanuel around and love watching him excitedly start bobbing his head and waving his arms whenever he hears music.
Manu has struggled with an infection in the bones of his skull from a previous surgery that didn’t heal completely. Will you pray for this little love and for his mother?
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