Our Mission is The Great Commission

Guidelines International Ministries shines the light of the Gospel in places of spiritual darkness through audio messages that encourage, equip, and bring hope in Jesus to new believers, the unreached, and to those living under persecution.

Local languages are often referred to as “the heart languages.” These “languages of the heart” have been proven by missionaries, educators, and anthropologists as the most effective language for deep, meaningful communication introducing new concepts.

Hearing the gospel in your own dialect is not only informative, it also displays the love of Jesus- the one who knows you, your tribe, and your language. Sharing Jesus with the unreached world means translating that message into every heart language until each tribe and tongue comes to know His great love!

Ongoing Language Project Opportunities


Arabic (Standard)

Listen to sample​

Fund Devotions
in Arabic


Arabic (Masri)

Listen to sample

Fund Devotions
in Arabic (Masri)

See our partners from all over the world read the Bible in their own languages

Share the Gospel in More Languages

When you give, you help translate devotionals into new languages.