Hope for the Nations

How the Hope of Jesus Meets Every Need

For 2000 years followers of Jesus have been sharing the Good News with people around the world through radio. Jesus, our living hope, transforms lives regardless of circumstances!
Here are three places He’s moving today: 

Jesus is Alive and Reaching People in North Cyprus

This island country in the Mediterranean near Greece and Syria is nearly all Muslim. Last year, you gave to share the message of Jesus in the Turkish language by helping plant a Christian radio station in North Cyprus.  We’ve received the report from our partners in Cyprus that the station license and equipment have been purchased and programming is ready for the unreached to hear! 

Jesus is Alive and Discipling People in the Philippines

For over 50 years, Guidelines has been helping people grow in spiritual maturity in the Philippines through radio and teaching. We planted the Barangay Valencia Ministry Center 18 years ago in a slum area of Manila, where three generations of believers have grown to 10 weekly discipleship groups that meet today.  


Many children in this inner city neighborhood are left to fend for themselves while their parents search for work. The Ministry Center’s Kids Come to Jesus program fills this void, reaching boys and girls between the ages of 4 and 12 with love, connection, Sunday School and a feeding program. Today, the kids that have graduated from the Kids Come to Jesus Club now make up half of the Center’s discipleship groups, with several who have become leaders themselves!

Jesus is Alive and Comforting People in Ukraine

The war in Ukraine has raged on for over a year. Believers on the frontlines continue to proclaim Jesus and help their neighbors amid food shortages, bombings, and incomparable loss.

Guidelines’ devotionals broadcast in Ukrainian continue to encourage hearts with Jesus’s comfort and love. Many are coming to know Jesus, experiencing His compassion, including soldiers who listen in the trenches.

What does a pastor in Ukraine do during war? Click here to read incredible stories!

Become a Messenger of Hope

Share Our Living Hope, Jesus, With the Nations

People that Need Prayer

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Listen to sample

Fund Devotions
in Turkish


Listen to sample​

Fund Devotions
in Tagalog


Listen to sample

Fund Devotions
in indonesian


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About Guidelines

Our Mission

Since 1963, Guidelines International Ministries has shined the light of the Gospel in places of spiritual darkness through audio messages that encourage, equip, and bring hope in Jesus to new believers, the unreached, and to those living under persecution.

What We Believe

  • The entire Bible was given to man by inspiration of the Holy Spirit and it is God’s authoritative guide for life and living.
  • Humankind came into existence as an act of God. Every person is created by God in His image and is important to God.
  • Jesus was born of a virgin, the unique fusion of both God and man.
  • Jesus died for all of our sins, was buried and came back to life three days later.
  • Through faith in Christ alone we find forgiveness from our sins, are transformed into new people and receive the promise of eternal life.
  • The Holy Spirit lives in God’s people, giving them new life, enabling us to find purpose and meaning in life.
  • Every believer is to share the hope of the gospel. This is done through the power of the Holy Spirit. This is the mandate of Scripture and the mission of Guidelines.

The Voice of Hope
for a Hurting World

Encourage Our Partners in Cyprus

Encourage Our Partners in the Philippines

Encourage Our Partners in Ukraine