Earth’s Loss, Heaven’s Gain

KITALE, KENYA:  One of Precious Kids Center’s precious little ones traded earth for heaven this week.  Before nine-year old Victor unexpectedly slipped into Jesus’ presence where he is now running, jumping and laughing, he was well loved.

Precious Kids Center’s founder, Sammy Hammork tells Victor’s story:

“His mother, Phoebe was just fifteen years old when he was born and she has been struggling to provide for him ever since. Victor cannot sit on his own or support his own head. He doesn’t talk and needs to be fed and have his diaper changed. His mom loves him very much, but doesn’t have the knowledge or means to provide for him. She has been kicked out of her mother’s home and had two husbands leave her because she refused to abandon her son.”

“I had been helping to support Victor from his home, but they moved one day and I couldn’t find them. Then one day I stumbled upon them in a little village 30 minutes outside of town and told his mom that I would come back the next day to take himto the hospital to get some scans so that he could start medication for his epilepsy. When we got there we found him locked inside his family’s little mud hut in the dark because his mother had no option but to leave him at home and go to work to make a little money to feed her family. Upon seeing this, my heart broke and we decided to move him into the house.”

“Victor has Schizencephally, which is very rare and means that the left side of his brain never developed. Victor is doing well and is one of the happiest kids at the house. It is hard to find him without a big smile on his face.”

Will you pray for Sammy, for the staff and family of Precious Kids Center in Kitale, Kenya?  Support the work of Precious Kids here.


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