You Can Trust, No Matter What


“Why? Why did Dennis have to die?” The question screamed in Jean Galang’s mind.  This 14-year old boy had all of life ahead of him. So many hopes, so many dreams. But now, in the church’s summer camp, of all places, Dennis had drowned in the swimming pool. In a daze of disbelief and heartbreak, the camp was shut down and everyone went home.

So much effort and prayer had gone into making this the best camp possible. The staff had worked tirelessly. Yet tragedy struck! “I could not stop struggling with [God’s] method of bringing about His purposes,” Jean recalled. Yet during the interment, it was Dennis’ mom who encouraged friends and family to take comfort in God’s sovereignty and loving-kindness. “I finally accepted and learned to trust God’s ways no matter what,” said Jean, “and ultimately let God be God.”[1]

As the weeks went by, Jean thought a great deal about the summer camp that had been cut short by seeming disaster.

As camp staff, we took pride in coming up with a great camp to teach our young people some valuable lessons in life. Instead, God came up with His own plan to teach all of us through the life of His precious child, Dennis…. The incident made an impact on all of our lives far greater than a four-day camp would have.

Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds” (John 12:24). Dennis was, no doubt, that kernel of wheat.  Although his life on this earth was cut short, the effectiveness of his life was multiplied in the lives of students and staff alike. Never will he be forgotten.

Most of us think of the long life as the most successful life. But God may have other plans. What matters most is not the length of your life but your influence in light of eternity.

[1] From Women on the Journey (Makati City, Philippines: Church Strengthening Ministry, Inc., 2004), 127.