Why Resting Is A Humble Action


No, O people, the LORD has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

I was looking forward to a weekend of rest after a hectic week. Saturday morning dawned with sunshine and birds outside my window, but I felt strangely anxious. I made a quick list of the things I thought I would do in the next two days as I “rested.”  I realized I had a problem when I counted 21 things on my “restful weekend” list!

Church father, St. Benedict, would have told me that what I really need is humility.  “St. Benedict described the call to humility as essential for those wanting to live a contemplative life,” writes Christine Valters Paintner.  “Humility is really a call to let go of what is not ours to accomplish or do.”[1]

There was no way to rest and accomplish 21 things in one weekend.  Obviously, a lot of those things, if not almost all of them, were not mine to accomplish especially at a time that my body and mind needed rest.

God doesn’t need my help.  In fact, He says that His power is made great in my weakness!  (2 Corinthians 12:9) When I am weak, He shows His strength. Sometimes, He brings others alongside to help us accomplish tasks that are bigger than we are—like when Moses in the Old Testament couldn’t handle arbitrating all the peoples’ disputes and God told him to get help! (Exodus 18:13-24)

Next weekend–no to-do list.  I will humbly rest!


Resource reading: Haggai 1:5-9

[1] Paintner, C. V. (2014, September 9). The Great Wisdom of Autumn. Patheos. Retrieved February 14, 2022, from https://www.patheos.com/progressive-christian/2014/09/wisdom-of-autumn-christine-valters-paintner-09-09-2014#.VCHlqTSDggg.gmail%23ixzz3FViFF8pB