Where To Find Quiet For Your Soul


For a long time now I’ve been fascinated by a verse I found in Psalm 131. It’s the second verse, where the psalmist writes, “…I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother…is my soul within me.”

My own three children as tiny babies were eager—almost frantic–to be near me when they were hungry. But by the time they were two years old, they were usually content to sit quietly on my lap because they were weaned and used to being fed in a high chair.

Many of us are like needy newborn babies.  Every time we pray, we want something from the Lord.  Of course, He doesn’t mind if we do.  But I can’t help thinking He would be pleased if sometimes we came into His presence just to be with Him without asking for anything—like a weaned child who is satisfied to be with her mother just for the joy of their relationship.

In her contribution to the devotional book Women on the Journey Wawa Ponce expressed this thought in relationship to her desire to have a husband.  She was sad that God had not yet met that yearning to have someone special to share her life with.  Every time she came to God in prayer, she had a deep longing that was almost a physical pain.  Then God led her to this verse and the image of a young child peacefully cradled in her mother’s arms—so quiet, so still.

She wrote,

I want to be that child. No, I need to be that child.  I need God to wean me from what I want, to prepare me for what He wants for me.  I need to be still in His arms knowing that He would take care of my needs—even my wants.[1]

Then she concluded with a prayer of acceptance: “Lord, I will wait and be satisfied with Your answer.” And peace came.

Have you quieted your soul? You can find peace in God’s arms.

[1] Women on the Journey, compiled and edited by Michelle Ocampo-Joaquin (Makati City, Philippines: Church Strengthening Ministry, Inc., 2004), 173.