When You’re in Transition


Speaker: Darlene Sala | Series: Encouraging Words | After working as a newscaster in Asia for four years, Ali Kennedy made plans to return to the U.S.  Because she had no idea where she would live or what she would be doing in this next phase of her life, she felt uneasy about the change. Her friend counseled her that she was like a trapeze artist who had let go of one bar and was soaring through the air reaching for the next bar. She advised Ali to study what a trapeze artist needs during the transition when she is suspended in air between the two bars.


Ali says she learned three things were needed:


The first was Trust- She needed to believe that God was guiding her even in this period when she felt she was all on her own.
The second was Timing- Any trapeze artist knows that if you don’t let go at the right time, you won’t be in position to catch the next bar when it comes within reach.
The third thing she observed was that she must Hold her Position. Fear can cause a trapeze artist to panic. She must keep her body aligned and ready to catch the bar at the moment in comes within reach. So too, when we’re in an insecure place in our lives, we need to hold steady, not panicking because we have nothing to hold on to. After all, our circumstances may have changed but God hasn’t changed.


Are you in a period of transition? Proverbs 3:5 & 6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” Don’t panic.  Instead, trust, watching for God’s timing, and holding your position. He will help you catch the next bar.

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