When You Feel Like You’re Falling Behind


So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. “Save me, Lord!” he shouted. Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt me?” Matthew 14:29-31


Do you ever feel like your life is stagnant while everyone else’s is moving forward?

Three of Nicole’s friends are married and pregnant but she’s single, and not by choice. “I’m falling behind,” she thought miserably. To David, it seems like every day that he hears of another friend retiring but his retirement savings is far from enough to live on. “I feel like I am constantly comparing myself to others, making myself feel worthless.”

God wants to expose these accusations as powerless before Him and stop the raging negativity, anxiety, and fear wracking our hearts.

The Bible tells of Jesus walking on stormy waves of the Sea of Galilee, and his disciple, Peter, asking to join Him. “Yes, come,” Jesus answers, and for a few steps, Peter is right there with Jesus, walking on water. Suddenly, Peter sees the waves, feels the strength of the wind, panics and starts sinking. “Save me, Lord!” he cries, and Jesus immediately reaches out and grabs him. “You have so little faith,” Jesus says. (Matthew 14:30-31). Without eyes on Jesus, Peter saw only his inability.

We too can consider the possibilities of our lives in His power. Our faith doesn’t need to be in ourselves, our abilities, or our achievements but in Jesus–the One who is with us in the current reality of our lives.

If you feel yourself sinking today, doubting God’s love and nearness to you, hear the words of Jesus to Peter: Why are you doubting me? Don’t let comparison swallow you up! Feel Jesus’s hand pulling you to safety and reminding you He’s with you.