When Is It Okay To Do Nothing?


Speaker: Darlene Sala | Series: Encouraging Words | It’s not my nature to sit and do nothing.  I like to be busy–to feel that I’m accomplishing something that counts.  So, when a few months ago I found myself spending more and more time just sitting on the sofa watching “whatever” on TV, I knew that was not normal for me. OK, I’ll admit this happened during a period when I was very, very tired, so I probably should not have felt guilty.  There were reasons why I didn’t feel like attacking any projects or being particularly productive. Nevertheless, I felt guilty.

So I began to pray about the situation. I’m very slow to say that “God spoke to me,” but I truly felt His presence impressing me with this question: “Have you ever considered that it might be My perfect will for you to rest right now?”

“Oh, Lord, are You sure? Don’t you want me to use my time efficiently doing work that matters for eternity?” I mean, just sitting–isn’t that a waste of time?”

Well, of course, I know that resting isn’t really a waste of time because when we rest, we are restored for the times when we truly have to be busy.

Psalm 37:7 tells us, “Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him.” The King James Version translates that, “Rest in the Lord.” Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God!”

Now, watching TV hour after hour is obviously not the best use of extended resting time. But perhaps you’ve found yourself needing rest because your spiritual, physical and emotional batteries are running low. God can provide what you need. You just need to give yourself permission to be still, resting quietly, waiting patiently. For you too maybe a period of rest is exactly God’s will for you–right now.