Weakness Welcome Here


[Jesus] said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.  2 Corinthians 12:9


We edit photos to remove our flaws and craft resumes that tell people everything we’re best at. Our world exalts and promotes strength while hiding weakness.


Weakness disqualifies us–that’s the underlying belief we carry around with us. If we can hide our weaknesses and pretend to be perfect, we may be more respected, more successful, and more loved.


But this is not what God says about weakness. He invites us to bring our weaknesses and vulnerably to Him. Jesus wants to use the places we’re most ashamed of to write a new story that displays His goodness!


A woman in the Bible had a history she was ashamed of (read John 4:1-42). She’d been married and divorced five times and was now living with another man. Her shame was so great that she collected water at the well at the hottest time of day so she wouldn’t run into anyone.


But while fetching water, she met Jesus. He knew what she was ashamed of, but He still invited her to receive the new life only He could offer her. The now joyful woman told her whole village about Jesus! The entire town seemed to see that if God could transform this notorious woman, He could change their lives too! The things she was most ashamed of, in Jesus’s hands, became a story of hope that showed God’s love and power to many.


The story God wants to tell through your life doesn’t require you to pretend to be perfect. He says, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9). Bring to Jesus all your limits, your brokenness, and your flaws. He loves and wants all of you.