Until Redemption, God Gives Himself


There he will remove the cloud of gloom, the shadow of death that hangs over the earth. He will swallow up death forever! The Sovereign Lord will wipe away all tears… In that day the people will proclaim, “This is our God! We trusted in him and he saved us!” Isaiah 25:7-8, 9a


One Mother’s Day, Kay’s son asked her to help him end his life. He was 12 years old.


At 27, the young man tragically took his own life to escape what his mother called the “torment, torture and agony” of mental illness. His mother said, “Life doesn’t make sense but we can have peace because God is with us and loves us.” [1]


The Bible does not speak unrealistically about life on this earth. Its entire story of is of the redemption of this earth and all its people. A day is coming, it says, when all will be made right. Scripture declares that God, “…will remove the cloud of gloom, the shadow of death that hangs over the earth. He will swallow up death forever! The Sovereign Lord will wipe away all tears… In that day the people will proclaim, ‘This is our God! We trusted in him and he saved us!” (Isaiah 25:7-8,9a)


One Bible teacher wrote, “…We want full redemption now. Some sense of meaning in this meaningless chasm. God is faithful. He comforts, sustains, strengthens & helps us survive. But it may be a while before we see astonishing evidences of God redemption. It may be heaven.”[2]


In the waiting, God gives us Himself.


[1] Dillard Coshandra. “Kay Warren Speaks about Loss of Son during Peace of Mind Tyler Conference.” TylerPaper.Com, 24 Oct. 2017, tylerpaper.com/news/local/kay-warren-speaks-about-loss-of-son-during-peace-of-mind-tyler-conference/article_f24a51ea-b7e0-57b2-ac6e-e4bc113b2512.html.


[2] @bethmooreLPM, ” Life’s so hard. So much suffering. We want full redemption now. Some sense of meaning in this meaningless chasm. God is faithful. He comforts, sustains, strengthens & helps us survive. But it may be a while before we see astonishing evidences of God redemption. It may be heaven.” Twitter, November 13, 2019, 5:57 am, https://twitter.com/bethmoorelpm/status/1194615369949949959?lang=en.