This is the Way Out of Darkness


Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world.  If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.” John 8:12

Before he knew about God’s love, Maksi said he thought that violence was the only way to keep his family under control.

Jesus Christ declared, “I am the light of the world,” and extended an offer to all people when he said, “If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life” (John 8:12).  But what does walking in darkness, or living in darkness look like?

Maksi, a 42-year-old husband and father of three sons knows. The darkness in his life included fighting, lack of peace and the need to control. He says, “[I] never felt at peace as a person. [I] always used to find a reason to begin a fight and sometimes used violence against [my] wife and sons.” But then the light that leads to life broke through.

One day, Maksi heard programs about God’s love on the radio. “I have been touched,” he said, “and now my family situation is quite different. I thought violence was the only way, but I now know God’s love and I am solving my problems in a different way–I pray with my family and we all ask for forgiveness of sins and peace in our family!”

Maksi made the choice that’s available to all: he chose to lay down his own way to follow the One Who leads to true life. He now lives in the reality and the power of God’s love, extending forgiveness to his family now that he has been forgiven.

You’re offered the same escape from the bondage of darkness.  You’re offered the same love, the same light that leads to life. Follow Him today.