The Risky Investment with the Eternal Reward


Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. John 13:15


Financial experts tell us that investments carry risk, and higher risk tends to correlate with higher returns.


Investing your hard-earned money can be challenging, but human relationships are the messiest and possibly riskiest investments you’ll ever make. Relationships are complicated and require us to adapt and evolve. We may get hurt in relationship but there’s also the potential for outstanding, eternal returns. Here’s why: more than our work or accomplishments, people matter.


When God fashioned and breathed life into humans, He declared their worth. He also revealed His desire for relationships and family. God gave us that same desire when He made us in His image (Genesis 1:27). You were made for relationships in all their intricacy and complexity. Inside you is the longing to know and be known, to enjoy and be enjoyed, to love and be loved.


How are you investing in the people around you? Are you taking the time to build committed, supportive relationships? We become more like God when we love others well. In fact, Jesus said to His followers in the Bible book of John, “Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples” (John 13:15). Our love in healthy relationships, in persistent friendship, and in tenacious kindness reflects the heart of God.


Very little that we spend time, money, and energy on will last forever. Take a moment today to take stock of your friendship portfolio. Then reach out–be willing to give or to forgive. Send a text, schedule a lunch or an online chat. Make an eternal investment in friendship today.