The One Invitation You Should Accept This Christmas


The apostles returned to Jesus and told him all that they had done and taught. And he said to them, ‘Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.’ For many were coming and going and they had no leisure even to eat. Mark 6:30-31 ESV

Christmas is happening! There’s an invitation waiting for you this season but it’s not to a party or a concert.

Nothing will make it easy for you to accept this invitation. In fact, you’ll have to be absolutely determined to do it–Jesus is inviting you to rest.

Jesus knew about being busy–everyone wanted to see Him, for healing or out of sheer curiosity. In the Bible book of Mark, the apostles had been so busy; they hadn’t even had time to eat! That’s when Jesus issued the invitation to them that He has for you today: “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest for a while” (Mark 6:30-31).

Jesus wasn’t just telling his followers to take it easy for a while. He was inviting them to take care of their bodies and spend time with Him. Erika Pizzo writes, “He knows what will fill them up, He knows that silence and rest can lead to an even greater ministry ahead.”[1]

If there is one thing you can do to counterculturally celebrate Jesus’s birth, it’s to accept His invitation to rest. If not daily, protect one time this week to read Scripture that He has used in your life, listen to beautiful Christmas music that exalts Him and invite His Spirit to refresh you.

Pizzo says, “Let’s slow down just enough to behold the awesomeness of this season and the gravity it brings. As we turn our gaze to Him, let our hearts sing together in praise, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy” and let our souls find true rest.” [2]

[1] Pizzo, Erika. Invited to Rest: Experiencing Jesus in the Hurry of the Christmas Season. Kindle Direct Publishing, 2021, pp. 16-17.

[2] Ibid.