The Infinite God of the Little Things


Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment. Proverbs 9:10


Parking spots. Can you actually trouble God for the little things in life, like a parking spot in a crowded lot when you’re running late?


Many people are living their lives like God doesn’t see or care about their oppression of others, selfishness, or cruelty. They assume there are no consequences for what they do. And there are also many followers of Jesus, that subconsciously think God only sees the big, “important” things. In our world, a powerful person doesn’t bother with little details. But God is infinitely powerful and cares infinitely about the minor details of our lives.


Maria, a single mother, had followed Jesus for years. She knew God cared about big things in the world, but she didn’t think He cared about the details of her life. It never occurred to her to ask God to help her with a bill she was secretly struggling to pay. One day a friend handed her an envelope with $23 in it, the exact amount she needed to pay her bill, saying, “God told me to give this to you.” Mary’s faith changed that day. God wasn’t just great and powerful– she also knew He cared about the little things, with infinite love.


The Bible says that the “Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom” (Proverbs 9:10a). To fear the Lord means living with the unshakeable belief that God sees and cares. We’re walking in fear of the Lord when we turn to God, believing He cares about small things in our life–when we believe He sees our little acts of love, prayer, and giving done secretly. And, when we believe He wants to meet us and move, even in mundane things…like parking spots.