The Future Is Uncertain, So What Now?


Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Galatians 5:25

Right before her wedding day, Laura was struggling with doubt – she dearly loved her fiancée, but forever is one long commitment! How could she be certain of the future? A friend gently reminded her that we actually can’t be certain of what hasn’t happened yet. Some doubt is healthy because it’s a sign of honesty.

Can we be certain that God is real and good? The Bible challenges us to “taste and see that the Lord is good.” (Psalms 34:8) It’s possible to live free from fear, in deep and abiding trust, not knowing what tomorrow holds. We can rely on God’s character, as He works out His plans for our best, one unknown day at a time.

Scripture assures us – and we choose to trust – that we can “live and walk in the Spirit,” meaning the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:25). The Holy Spirit is the presence of God within the follower of Jesus. When we trust the Spirit, He can guide us to people and places both illogical and unpredictable. One time, God called a man named Philip to travel a desert road. Little did Philip know he was in for a divine meeting with the treasurer of an Ethiopian Queen!

Life is uncertain for even the most stable and well-organized among us. I’m happy to say that Laura married her fiancée, and it was a good choice. But the best possible choice is relying on the Holy Spirit’s guidance and direction. Every step is guided when you follow the Spirit, even into the unknown.


Resource reading: Acts 8:26-40