The Cake That Faith Baked


“You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move.  Nothing would be impossible. Matthew 17:20

Anyone who decides to follow Jesus has a measure of faith. But there’s a gift of faith that enables those with the gift to trust God beyond the limits of what we think is humanly possible.

This is the faith that figuratively “moves mountains,” that Jesus talked about in the book of Matthew (17:20).  I’m so encouraged and inspired by examples of people with the gift of faith–people like the man known only as “Brother Andrew,” or “God’s Smuggler,” who smuggled Bibles into the countries of the former Soviet Union. He once filled the trunk of his car with Bibles and drove to the border of a Communist country.  He prayed as guards opened the trunk of the car, looked right at the forbidden Bibles, closed the trunk and waved him through the border gates!

Once Brother Andrew wanted to have a party to share Jesus’ love.  “All of us knew we had no tea, no cake, no bread and butter, and exactly five cups,” he wrote. “Nor did we have money to buy these things: our last penny had gone to rent the hall. Several came forward and pitched in to help, but there was still something missing– the cake.

“So… we put the matter before God. ‘Lord…from somewhere we’ve got to get a cake. Will You help us?’ The tea time had been announced for four o’clock in the afternoon. At three the tables were set, but still we had no cake. Three-thirty came…. Three-forty-five.

“And then the doorbell rang…There was the postman. In his hands was a large box. Inside, there was no note…only in perfect condition, was an enormous, glistening, moist chocolate cake.”[1]

[1] Sherill, E., & Andrew, B. (1970, January 1). God’s smuggler: Tea time and missionaries. God’s Smuggler: Tea Time And Missionaries. Retrieved July 1, 2022, from