Talking to a Friend Can Be Prayer


Speaker: Darlene Sala | Series: Encouraging Words

Talking is something most women enjoy. I guess it’s because women value relationships that we also value time to share feelings and thoughts with other women. But because of our fast pace of living, talking with friends is something most women do less and less these days.

You may be surprised, however, to learn that conversation with other people can be a form of prayer.  No, I didn’t make that up.  It’s in the Bible—in the last book of the Old Testament—Malachi 3:16.  Here’s what that verse says, “Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honored his name.”

Think about that for a moment. You get together with others who also love the Lord. You talk about what’s happening in your lives—your job, your activities, your children. But when the conversation begins to center on the Lord, God begins to take note that you are honoring Him.

Okay, so, not all conversation we have is prayer by any means.  But when we who love the Lord get together and begin to speak of Him, we can know that Someone else is listening; Someone else hears—God. He even takes notes on what we talk about. The “scroll of remembrance” mentioned here shows us that God will remember those who love and honor and respect Him. Moreover, I can’t help but think that when our conversation honors Him, it brings joy to His heart.

How long has it been since you had a talk with a friend about spiritual matters—perhaps something you discovered in the Bible that encouraged you, or even the spiritual struggles you have?  As friends do you hold each other accountable to keeping your relationship right with God? Do you praise Him for all the good things He has brought into your life?

When you do, He’s listening!

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