Start Letting God Carry Your Weight


Vangie had just lost her father. Her spiritual mentor, Joanie, met with her as she usually does to encourage Vangie. And near the end of their time together Joanie gently talked with her about moving on in the grief process. Joanie suggested she go slow, step by step and let the Lord carry her. After all, Isaiah the prophet quoted God’s words, “I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you” (Isaiah 46:4).

When Joanie spoke about letting the Lord carry her, Vangie responded with a wry smile, “I hope the Lord doesn’t complain about my weight!”

No, friend, God will not complain about your weight no matter how much you weigh. The prophet Isaiah tells us, “He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart” (Isaiah 40:11).

For years Boys Town, a community in Omaha, Nebraska formed in 1917 by a priest name Father Flanagan, has existed as a home for troubled or homeless boys. In 1941, Father Flanagan came across a drawing of a boy carrying a younger boy on his back, with the caption, “He ain’t heavy, Mister, he’s my brother.” Father Flanagan thought the image and phrase captured the spirit of Boys Town, so he got permission and commissioned a statue of the drawing with the inscription, “He ain’t heavy, Father, he’s my brother.” The statue became the logo for Boys Town.

Dear friend, God doesn’t think you’re too heavy for Him to carry either. If you have invited Him into your life as your Savior, you are His child. And any time you need help, He will carry you. No matter what your weight!