Song of Solomon


Speaker: Darlene Sala | Series: Encouraging Words | The event occurred in old Germany in the year 1141. The Duke of Bavaria was under siege in his castle. The siege lasted a long time, and eventually the Duke had to offer to surrender. The emperor granted him permission to leave in safety.

But his wife did not trust the emperor to keep his promise. So when the emperor came to take possession of the castle, she sent a request to him asking for safe conduct for herself and all the women in the castle. She requested that they might bring out with them as much of their valuables as they could carry.

Her request was granted, and soon the castle gates were opened. Out came the ladies-but they were carrying no gold or jewels. Instead, each one was bending under the weight of her husband. These brave women knew what their true valuables were.

The emperor was moved to tears by this extraordinary act and quickly assured the ladies that their lords could dismount at once, guaranteed of their safety and freedom. He invited them all to a banquet and made peace on much more generous terms than his party had previously been willing to grant.

Truly, our mates are inestimably valuable. King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, said, “If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned” (Song of Solomon 8:7).

Wouldn’t today be a good time to tell your spouse how much you appreciate him or her? Don’t be like the man on his wedding day who told his wife he loved her, and then added, “And if I ever change my mind, I’ll tell you that too.”

OK, so it isn’t your anniversary. So what? Go ahead and buy some little gift that would be meaningful. Celebrate God’s goodness to you. After all, in the castle of your home, your husband or wife is truly your true treasure.