Ready at a Moment’s Notice


Speaker: Darlene Sala | Series: Encouraging Words | James Irwin, one of the 12 Americans who walked on the moon, was a committed Christian and one of the most gracious people I ever met, willing to sign endless autographs and pose for endless pictures, including one with our oldest grandson, William.

William is 23 now. He has worn glasses since he was 12 months old. Even as a toddler he loved them because they helped him see so much better. Every night he wanted his dad and mom to put his glasses near his bed so he could put them on first thing in the morning.

The following conversation took place when William was six years old. It was dark, and William looking out of the car window at the moon.

“Daddy, what’s the moon made of?”

“It’s made of rocks and dust, William. Astronaut James Irwin went to the moon and walked around on it, and that’s how we know what it’s made of. Do you remember that Astronaut Irwin held you in his arms when you were little?”

“No, Daddy, I don’t remember.”

“He’s gone to heaven, and he’s with Jesus now,” his dad responded.

“Daddy, I don’t think I’ll recognize him in heaven.”

“Oh, yes, William, we’ll all be able to recognize each other in heaven. Astronaut Irwin will say, ‘Oh, I know you—you were the little boy I held in my arms.’”

“Then I’m going to sleep with my glasses in my hand from now on,” responded William, “so I’ll be able to recognize him!”