Paula’s Story


Speaker: Darlene Sala | Series: Encouraging Words

In desperation, she grabbed two bottles–a bottle of whiskey and bottle of pills–and headed to the beach. At last she would end her pain. Two years of struggle and depression since her divorce had destroyed any thread of hope for the future. Why keep trying?

As she sat there on the sand ready to end it all, in a last-ditch attempt to find an alternative she called out to God for a sign that He was there. In a few moments a magnificent ray of sunshine broke through the clouds and fell exactly on the spot where she was, enveloping her in its warmth and light. Through the fog of her pain, she knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that God was reaching out to her. Standing to her feet, she began to walk, and as she did, miraculously the ray of sun followed her. Stunned, she looked toward heaven and prayed, “God, I give up. You can have my life. I turn it over to You.” Paula told me, “I shall never stop thanking Him for saving my life that day!”

Does God always reach out to people in such a dramatic way? No, not always.  But He does reach out to every single one of us through the truth of His Word that says, “The one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out” (John 6:37 NLT).

Perhaps today you are at such a point of desperation. You, like Paula, may even have considered taking your life rather than endure the circumstances you face.

Right now call out to God. He may give you a visible sign of His presence. Or instead you may simply sense His tender love enfolding you in a way you have never felt before. As Paula did that day, come to the One who can change your life forever and give you hope.

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