Online with God


Speaker: Darlene Sala | Series: Encouraging Words

I’ve been giving some thought to the fact that my brain never seems to turn off.  I’m always thinking.  If I try not to think, I’m only thinking that I’m not thinking! I wonder if God made our brains so that they never turn off so that we could truly “pray without ceasing,” as 1 Thessalonians 5:17 instructs us. Or at least center our thoughts on God throughout the day–not just at the beginning and end of each day.  If that is true, I realize a lot of my brain energy goes to non-essentials.  God made me with the potential to fellowship with Him at any time.  But do I take advantage of that ability?  Not as often as I could or should.

What a privilege!  To come into God’s presence with everything that concerns me and those I love! The Bible instructs us, “Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).

I’m afraid most of us pray only when we want something. But I don’t think that every prayer should be a request to God for something we want. I know that I don’t like it if my own kids never call me unless they want something.  I wonder if God feels that way too.

Sometimes our prayers should be like a love letter to the Lord.  Other times our prayer should be an experience of friendship or companionship with God–just sitting in His presence and enjoying Him and listening to Him. Other times we should be on our faces praising and thanking Him.

To me praying without ceasing means I’m “online” with God all the time. That means I can reach Him and He can reach me at any time. Aren’t you glad God’s Internet never goes down! Since you can never stop thinking anyway, let’s use that ability to communicate more often with our Heavenly Father.