No More Condemnation


Speaker: Darlene Sala | Series: Encouraging Words

Here’s what a friend of mine wrote about the guilt she was experiencing:

Condemnation–I felt it every day. The enemy would scream denunciation into my ear for the daily sins I was committing.  

Please understand that this was not conviction. This was a feeling of guilt, a feeling that I was a bad person. These feelings stirred up fear in me that I was going to hell. I found myself being condemned all the time about daily sins. And I mean–all the time. How was I ever going to make it to heaven if I couldn’t live a sinless life?

I am driving on the highway, and I can’t stay under the speed limit. Oh, I tried, because if I hit one mile over, I was breaking the law and that was sin. If I clicked the AGREE button at the beginning process of downloading something on my computer, stating that I accept the terms and conditions, but actually had not read the entire document, I lied. In my mind, I needed to be perfect. But how could I? 

Here’s my question for you:  if every little thing we do wrong is sin, and there’s no sin in heaven, how is any of us going to make it there?

The good news is that no matter the size of our sinning, there’s a solution: Jesus paid for all our sins when He died on the cross. He didn’t die only for big sins; He died for all of our sins.

Yes, we have the problem of needing daily forgiveness for sins of all sizes. The Bible tells us that: “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves” (1 John 1:8). But the very next verse says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” No limits. No expiration date.

No, we shouldn’t sin intentionally. When we do, however, forgiveness is available from our heavenly Father when we confess our sin to Him. That’s what I call Good News!