Motivating Millennials


Speaker: Darlene Sala | Series: Encouraging Words | Do you have a millennial living in your house—someone between the ages of 22 and 37? Or perhaps they’re your employee. Want to motivate them? Then ask them one question, says a popular business newsletter.  The question is this: What is your dream?

The author goes on to say, “Listen to [millennials] talk about wanting to travel the world. Listen to them shyly open up about their love for guitar, or painting…. Listen to the way they talk about having a family one day, about wanting to start their own company….”[1]

Josip Petrusa, a millennial himself, made this observation:

“Ask any Millennial about their pursuits of their dreams and goals…and passions and you will receive the most colorful, beautifully chaotic and elaborate series of characteristics. But then should you ask them on the real-life details it would take to…accomplish their dream…and I guarantee you that you will put them at a loss for words.”[2] (end quote)

If you want to influence Millennials, your second task is to actually listen to their response, and then say, “I will do whatever I can to help you make that dream come true.”

“Lead the millennial…in the same way you would want to be led. Hear them, and help them see the bigger life lessons. Point out the opportunities to learn, and be a sounding board…. Help them work toward [their dream]. For [whether you are their parent or their employer], you are a mentor” to them.[3]

One final thought: that desire your millennial has may just be God’s voice speaking with a dream that He will one day bring to reality, for God promises, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart/And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him/And He shall direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).

[1] “Inc. This Morning”., 9-16-2016, accessed 7-15-19.

[2] Josip Petrusa, “A Generation of Dreamers,”, n.d., accessed 7-15-19.

[3] “Inc. This Morning,” ask-them-this-one-question, ibid.