Looking Backward and Forward

Speaker: Bonnie Sala, Dr. Harold J. Sala | Series: Guidelines For Living

Come and see what our God has done.  His awesome deeds for mankind.  Psalm 66:5 NIV


Terry Wedel: As Guidelines celebrates its 55th anniversary, we welcome Guidelines president Bonnie Sala and Guidelines founder Dr. Harold Sala. Dr. Sala, what would you say are the qualities of this ministry that have endured over the past 55 years?

Harold Sala: Well, there are three words that come to my mind. Three that I think are foundational. One is “integrity.” We are straightforward, we don’t pull any punches, we don’t offer any “Jesus junk” for people who respond. “Sincerity” is another. We mean business in what we’re doing. And then “faithfulness” as we trust God day in and day out, and let Him open the door, and let the Holy Spirit then accomplish what he wants in the hearts and minds of people who are now listening all over the world.

TW: And Bonnie, looking to the future, how is Guidelines going to build on those 3 pillars?

Bonnie Sala: Well, we definitely will be building on those pillars.  What I like to call the “missional DNA” of Guidelines International Ministries will not change. But in this second generation of ministry, we see the opportunity not only to hold out the truth of God’s word and apply it to real problems in people’s lives here in the United States, but increasing, around the world.  Because, you know, here in the United States, we have many Christian resources but, in places where Christians are the first in their country – in places like Kyrgyzstan or Turkey, Indonesia, and Kosovo – people who come to know Jesus need to know how to follow Him. They need to know how to work out their faith in their relationships, in their workplace, in raising their children. And so, increasingly Guidelines is focusing – as the Lord provides – to take these resources – our devotionals that we produce – and make them available to people in places where the church is in what we call its “first generation.” And God has been really faithful, not only in providing the means to do this, but in opening doors. Today we are, surprisingly, bringing Guidelines for Living in many Muslim-majority countries. This is where we see God on the move and we see Him opening doors.

TW: Dr. Sala, when you started Guidelines 55 years ago, could you have imagined the number of countries that the ministry has now moved into?

HS: In 1963, when Guidelines began, our objective was to communicate in clear, simple terms with the man who was on the street, the person who had no use for organized religion but had a need in his heart. And subsequently, our objective was to bring him into confrontation with God’s purpose and will for his life. And we discovered there was a need not only in Denver – where we started, but all over the world, and subsequently God has blessed that ministry as we try to reach the hearts of men and women who have an empty spot that can be filled only by God’s Son Himself.

BS: Yes Dad, there’s even more opportunity for us today to reach into places like Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Indonesia, Mongolia, Albania, and Kosovo. It’s so exciting to be on mission with God and I’m grateful to be leading the team at Guidelines.

HS: And I thank God that you’re leading, and not only leading but you’re also reaching people. Subsequently, every person is important to our Heavenly Father and the basic needs of individuals are very much the same all over the world, whether you live in Los Angeles, Manila, Tokyo, Albania or in one of the Muslim-majority countries. And, when we address the needs of those individuals to give and receive love, to feel that you’re important to yourself and other people, and have a purpose in your life, then God’s Holy Spirit changes hearts and lives and they come to an understanding of God’s plan and purpose for their lives.


Resource reading:  Psalm 66:1-20

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