Listen To God’s Quiet Voice


Sometimes I wonder if we are so busy accomplishing certain things every day that we miss opportunities to bless the people around us. God’s quiet voice may not be heard as He points us to where He has something special for us to do—a loving touch, comforting words, even a short prayer with someone who is hurting.

Freda Robinson is an example of someone who takes time to care. She is one of my heroes for the outstanding work she does among the poor of Kitale, Kenya.  Early in her career, before she had her own hospital and outreach, she was the head nurse at the best private hospital in Kitale.

One day Sister Freda had finished her work for the day and returned home. But no sooner had she entered the doorway of her house than she felt an unmistakable urging to return to the hospital. Try as she might, she could not brush it aside. Immediately she turned and went back to the hospital.

As Sister Freda re-entered the hospital compound the lovely flowers that she usually admired did not catch her attention, so strong was the impulse in her heart. Quickly she strode through the door and down the hallway. Passing by the prenatal care ward, she peeked in at the babies, for children have always had a soft spot in Sister Freda’s heart. Then suddenly she stopped. One baby caught her well-trained eye. The little boy didn’t appear to be breathing. Rushing to the incubator, she snatched him up and began to massage his heart and give him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

“I felt the guiding hand of God that day,” recalls Sister Freda. “As I worked with him, he gasped once. I gave him oxygen and he began to breathe normally—and today Mr. Korir is an attorney in Kitale.”

Galatians 5:25 says, “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” May God help us, too, to be sensitive and responsive to His gentle voice.