Lay Your Fears In The Manger


But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.” Luke 2:10

It’s nearly Christmas.  Come to the Manger of the Nativity now, with all that you’re carrying, and gaze upon Him, the Savior that is not just for all people, but for you.

The first words out of the mouths of the angels who announced Jesus’ birth were “Don’t be afraid,” or “Fear not!”  That tells you a lot about how well God understands us.  Here is the acknowledgement that life can be full of daily fear.

But, knowing that we will struggle, Jesus’ invitation to you today is this: “Leave your fear here in the Manger.  Leave it to me.”  He invites you to tell him about everything that keeps you awake at night and cripples you by day.  He is more than able to shoulder your burden of fear; because the baby of the Manger came to free you forever.

In your fear, praise Him for who He is:  merciful, gracious, trustworthy, mighty.  Because when we praise, we’re shifting our focus from the problem to the Problem Solver.[1] And then, pick up the gift that is there for you in exchange: it’s the gift of illogical, out of the ordinary peace.  The peace that Jesus offers is peace that makes no sense in the situations you’re facing.  Peace during a pandemic.  Peace when there’s a job loss.  Peace when a loved one goes astray.

Today, will you lay your fears in the Manger?  Rest a while and let your lips glorify God for His Gift this Christmas.  Then, receive His peace.


Resource reading: John 14:25-28

[1] Harling, Becky, Personal Interview, November 17, 2021.