Is God With You?


For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.  Colossians 3:3

If you read Bible stories as a kid, it’s interesting to revisit them as an adult.  The story of the children of Israel escaping Egypt, Red Sea parting and all, was always a favorite of mine. What strikes me now is the evidence God gave His people that He was with them.

Two symbols stayed constantly in front of them; during the day it was a cloud, and at night, a pillar of fire, for light. In time of uncertainty, they only needed to look up for God’s comforting presence.  When the Egyptians came in pursuit, the angel of the Lord, the cloud and the pillar of fire moved, and stood between the people and the enemy.

In this story, I now see a beautiful foreshadowing of the intimate care God offers us today.  When we enter relationship with God, through Jesus, Scripture says that our real lives are “hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3). No matter what calamity befalls us, the follower of Jesus is forever hidden in his love, accepted and safe. Psalms says that we, like those Israelites, are hemmed in “behind and before” with God’s hand laid on us (Psalm 139:5).

Jesus-followers have, not just a symbol of God’s presence, but a resurrected Savior with them who says, “I will never leave you or forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5) and a helper called the Holy Spirit, within us (John 15:26). If you aren’t following Jesus, there is an enemy after you.  Don’t run alone.  Run to Jesus today.


Resource reading: Exodus 13:17-14:31