In The Right Place At The Right Time


In 1949 when Billy Graham held his big tent revival in Los Angeles, some of Hollywood’s most famous made decisions to accept Christ. Among those was Jim Voss, an electronics genius, who was a wiretapper for underworld gangster Mickey Cohen.

After the Los Angeles meetings ended, Billy Graham was invited to Boston for a citywide meeting in the Boston Garden, which seated over 14,000.  Billy asked Jim if he would come and give his testimony, and Jim, of course, said “Yes. ”

But when he looked at his date book, Jim discovered he had already committed those days to a little church down in the heart of southeast Los Angeles, and instead of going to Boston, went to the church in Los Angeles.

One night as Jim parked his car after one of those meetings, FBI agents met him. “You are under arrest for your part in the Brinks Robbery,” they said–at that time the largest in the history of the United States.

“Well,” Jim told them, “I wasn’t in Boston.”

When the case came to court, Jim had a couple hundred people who could testify he was in their church every night during the time of the robbery.  The FBI told him that had he gone to Boston, there is no way with his record he could have proved he didn’t have a part.

Jim learned that God truly does direct our steps.  Psalm 43 says, “Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me” (Psalm 43:3). God’s light does direct us—not as a dazzling spotlight that illuminates the whole horizon of our future, but as a flashlight that gives us enough light for the next step.  You can trust Him to do that.