How to Walk With God


Speaker: Darlene Sala | Series: Encouraging Words | Jesus once told the crowds listening to Him: “Learn from me.”  

Because some of us know a lot of facts about the Bible, and we know a library-full of Bible stories, and the basic doctrines of the faith, we think there’s probably not much more for us to learn. It’s easy to fall into that trap.

The phrase “Learn from me” comes from Matthew 11:29, where Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me.” The picture Jesus used of a yoke is, of course, a familiar one to farmers in parts of the world where there are no tractors but only a wooden bar harnessing two oxen so they can plow the fields together. If we are “harnessed” to Jesus, that means that we learn from Him “on the job”–living life together every day with Him walking alongside us.

But think again of who it is who offers to teach us in this very personal way–the very Son of God. It’s one thing to study a book, even the Bible. It’s quite another to have the author, the Lord Jesus, walk alongside us day by day teaching us how we should live. Imagine being in a classroom where Einstein himself taught you the theory of relativity. Jesus’ offer, however, is even better than that. He offers not classroom lecturing but individual on-the-job training.

The Lord teaches us is by showing us how to apply scripture to our lives. Note these verses: “You guide me with your counsel” (Psalm 73:24). “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God! Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground” (Psalm 143:10).

I like the way The Message paraphrase puts Jesus’ words: “Walk with me and work with me––watch how I do it. . . .  I won’t lay anything heavy or ill–fitting on you.” Jesus offers to teach you personally. Are you listening?


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