How To Quiet Your Heart


One morning not too long ago, I started my day as usual with some time spent reading the Bible and talking to the Lord in prayer. But I was not at peace in my heart. It was one of those times when I felt agitated and pressured by all the work that needed to be done.

I know what the Bible tells us to do in situations like that. In Psalm 46 God says, “Be still, and know that I am God.”

“Be still, Lord?” But I have messages to prepare, events to plan, grandchildren who need me–and my husband certainly deserves some time as well.”

Here’s the problem. I forgot that God is willing to micromanage all those details of my life if I will just give Him the chance. You see, I know that God oversees the big events of history, but I sometimes forget He is willing to direct the smallest of events in my life as well—in the day-to-day process of living.

Then I found another verse in the Bible that also speaks to this situation. It’s Exodus 14:14, where God says, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Be still? That’s the very opposite of how I deal with busy times in my life. It’s almost as if those words were in a foreign language when everything within me cries out to work as frantically as I can. Yet God says, “Be still, for I will fight for you.”

Lord, listen to my prayer today. I want to depend on You for all the responsibilities on my shoulders. And I want to be at peace in the busyness of the moment. Make quietness and stillness a reality in my life. Quiet my heart today.