Here Is What God Offers You


Speaker: Darlene Sala | Series: Encouraging Words | She sat across the table from us, and with tears in her eyes, she said, “I’d like to have Jesus in my heart, but I don’t think I can be good enough.”

“I’m so glad you said that,” we told her, “because there’s good news.  You don’t have to be good enough. None of us can be good enough. That’s exactly why Jesus came to this earth—to die for us to pay for our sins. He did for us what we could not do for ourselves.”

Yes, Jesus came to this poor earth of ours to carry on an exchange; to say to us, as only a good God could say: “You give me your humanity and I will give you My divinity.  You give Me your time and I will give you My eternity.  You give Me your sin and I will give you My purity.  You give Me your broken heart and I will give you My love.  You give Me your nothingness and I will give you My all.”

What a trade-out! We give Him our brokenness, and He gives us His wholeness.

Every single one of us can have a relationship with God because of what

Jesus did. The Bible says that “God made him”—that is, Jesus—“who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21). That means that we can come to God admitting that we are sinners. We ask Him to take our sin away, and in the greatest trade-in program in the world, He gives us His righteousness in exchange.

Would you like to make that great exchange? You can do it right now. Simply say, “Lord Jesus, I confess to you that I am a sinner.  I know that Jesus died on the cross for me. Please take away my sin and give me Your purity.” And He will do it. It’s the greatest exchange in the world.