God Keeps His Word


Speaker: Darlene Sala | Series: Encouraging Words

Heather Reynolds is the founder and director of an outreach in South Africa that has saved the lives of thousands of children among the Zulu people. They call it God’s Golden Acre. In the face of insurmountable odds, Heather has provided a loving home for hundreds and hundreds of children with HIV-AIDS and those orphaned by the dread killer.

Heather has had little money, but she has heart, drive, and an enormous faith in God. I’d like to share just one story of how God has provided for this work of faith.

At a certain point they desperately needed sand to complete the refurbishing of one of the center’s buildings. A volunteer, who was an atheist, challenged Heather, “Why don’t you ask your God to provide the sand if you have no money to buy some? We need a miracle.”

Heather sat down and said to herself, “This young man is quite right. God, why don’t you answer our prayers? Why don’t you? Do you want me to beg?” She picked up the phone and called the local building supply—for the third time—asking for a load of sand as a donation. She was told, “No” and adamantly told not to call again.

About half an hour later Heather was disturbed by loud laughter outside on the grounds.

“What’s all this about,” asked Heather.

“It’s your miracle,” said the atheist volunteer. “You see that man walking through the gate over there? He’s the driver of a ten-ton truck of sand, and he has just broken down at our driveway. He has asked our permission to tip all this sand so his company can tow the truck away.” Ironically, it was the same company from which Heather had just asked for sand.[1]

One of Heather’s favorite Bible promises is John 14:14: “You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” Heather takes God’s promises at face value. And she has proved that God keeps His word!




[1] Dale le Vack, God’s Golden Acre (Oxford, UK and Grand Rapids, MI: Monarch Books, 2005), 244-245.

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