Finding Jesus In The Modern World

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.  Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.  This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Luke 2:10-12


For a few well-deserved minutes, sit back and relax, and ponder how different things might have been if Jesus Christ had been born in today’s world instead of the first century Palestine.  Naturally, any event today of even minimal importance is a media happening; and who would deny that the best way to get sensational coverage is to claim something is supernatural, out of the ordinary, perhaps even bizarre, and what would be more “news worthy” than the allegation that God has actually become man, to say nothing of the interesting angle that a baby is born without a human father.

Yes, of course, news outlets must cover the event.  This story is going global…fly in the specialists.  Press from around the world all vie to get their media crews on location.  Someone with a massive Twitter or WhatsApp following bribes the shepherds for the scoop, and a clever photographer is quite certain that with a quick Photoshop touch, he can make a reasonable facsimile of an angel–after all, how many people have seen an angel today?  Yes, of course, the image will trend online immediately with a full story.

The astronomers and scientists get into the act too with much discussion as to whether the purported star, clearly observed by the observatory at Hebrew University was a sonic bomb or simply the joining of Saturn and Jupiter.  A spokesman for the university says that in hours, their computer will have analyzed the data and a conclusive statement will be issued.

Medical doctors get into the hassle too.  The renowned gynecologist, Dr. Ima Optimist, has issued a statement that virgin birth, highly extraordinary, could conceivably be possible.  However, colleagues feel that her religious affiliation colors his professional expertise.  Yes, undoubtedly this angle would bear closer observation and later discussion.

Another group is vitally interested in the event–the Christian community–who say that this is really their business and not the aforementioned groups.  The Christian establishment is very much involved.  One group senses that this has a great potential for fund raising.  What can be better than a “Bethlehem T-Shirt” for a gift of at least $100.  For $200 you can buy one of those olive-wood Bibles–any version you like–right on location.  Those of more theological bent–the ones who always reject the book and trinket approach–are more concerned with preserving the factual details.  They are lost in debate.  Seems they cannot quite agree whether the angelic chorus sang or spoke in dramatic unison.  A few Christian activists, hearing that Herod is planning on killing male offspring, have contacted the U.N. and are protesting around the palace, and there, in the midst of it all, someone begins looking for the mother and her child.

They are missing.  Completely gone.  The innkeeper reports that Joseph and the family left unnoticed for Egypt.  Yes, friend, sarcasm and satire almost profane the story, but so does our celebration of the event.  The tragedy of most Christmas celebrations today is that they could go right on without changing a thing, even though Christ had never come.  Observe the “non-messages” that adorn the Christmas cards, the “holiday” displays that wish to offend no one by actually mentioning the birth of Jesus Christ, the inoffensive displays that focus on Santa, or the numbers of times you hear “I saw Mama Kissing Santa Claus” playing in stores.  In the midst of it all, Christ has slipped out of the celebration and yet the fun goes on.  Be careful, friend, it could happen to you.  Make sure that when you host His birthday party, He is invited.

Resource Reading:  Luke 2:25-40