Find Your Identity In The Lord


Born in Mexico as one of 14 children, Graciela lost her father when she was only ten. Her mother, having no way to support the children, obtained a visa to come to the U.S. and took any job that would provide money to send home.

Sometimes there was food, and sometimes not. But having a happy nature, Graciela didn’t worry, content to play with her friends. Many mornings she went to school with no breakfast and sometimes a girl friend would share her food. After school, she played until hunger got the best of her. If necessary she would search through trash cans for a scrap of bread, happy then to go play again until nighttime.

What happened to this family? Eventually all 14 children came to the U.S., and today 11 of the 14 are in the medical field as doctors, nurses, and technicians, living successful lives in spite of their past.

Using her talents as nurse and massage therapist, Graciela now spends weeks overseas in Kenya, treating and massaging the poor of the slums, and helping the victims of war in Ukraine.

As I listen to Graciela’s enthusiasm and love for the Lord, I think, “I’m so glad God made people like Graciela. I could never treat serious medical problems as she does. God has equipped her for exactly what He wants her to do. For me it’s a joy to sit at my computer and write. If Graciela had to sit all day in front of a computer, she’d lose her mind. Thank God, I don’t have to be Graciela, and she doesn’t have to be me!”

The Psalmist wrote, “You knit me together in my mother’s womb” (Psalm 139:13). God made you and me exactly as He wants us. Let God use the raw materials He created in you to accomplish His purpose for your life.