Encouragement For A Not So Happy New Year


My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word. Psalm 119:28

Charles Spurgeon was a famous preacher and Bible teacher of the 1800s.  But his wife, Mrs. C.H. Spurgeon, or Susie, had a powerful ministry of encouragement long after her husband’s death.  Susie’s life was one of great physical suffering, but she encouraged others in their discouragement from her vibrant relationship with Jesus.  As one new year dawned, she wrote to her friends,

“It may be that, for some of you, the New Year opens in sadness and silence…. without the merry crash of bells and welcoming cheers…your trials are heavy, your comforts few, sorrows weigh you down. The prospect of incessant toil and weariness oppress you…you would rather have done with earth…fly away and be at rest…I understand your feelings,” she admitted.

Susie’s heartening words that came straight out of Scripture are still true.  “Beloved friends, she wrote, “I bring afresh to you today, the sweet and comforting assurance that your blessed Lord knows all of your sorrows, sees all of your sufferings, is watching over you with a Divine love and care which knows no cessation, and will in His own good time, either relieve or release you.”[1] (Psalm 56:8, Lamentations 3:22-23, Psalm 31:15)

Are you facing a difficult year? The verses from God’s Word that gave Susie her hope, in her constant suffering are for you too. I can’t encourage you enough to search the promises of scripture for yourself today and keep on returning to them.  Like the writer of Psalm 119, you can pray, “Strength me according to your word.” (Psalm 119:28)


Resource reading: Matthew 7:24-27

[1] Rhodes, R. (2021). A Cluster of Camphire. In Susie: The life and legacy of Susannah Spurgeon, wife of Charles H. Spurgeon (pp. 90–91). essay, Moody Publishers.