Does God Still Speak Through Dreams?


Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. Hebrews 1:1-2

Joseph, the husband of Mary, mother of Jesus, was a man who was asked by God to take on a huge responsibility. God picked him out to marry the pregnant Mary and be the early father Jesus grew up with.  God’s very specific instructions to Joseph came via dreams.

A friend of mine had a dream in which her deceased mother told her to leave her job, which was a dangerous one.  “Was God speaking to me through my dream?” she wondered.  And the answer is: maybe.

Unlike the men and women of Bible days, we have God’s written word, which the Holy Spirit uses to speak to us. The Holy Spirit lives within the follower of Jesus and can certainly direct our thoughts, even in our sleep, but the Spirit’s guidance will never contradict Scripture.

In places where no scripture can be found, there are many accounts of Jesus revealing Himself to people in dreams and directing them to believers who share the gospel with them.  However, with Scripture and wise counsel, most of us don’t need to go to unusual lengths to hear from God. God’s Word is filled with much wisdom and urges us to establish our plans through counsel (Proverbs 20:18).  It is His desire to give us what the Bible calls “spiritual wisdom and understanding” (Colossians 1:9).

Can God speak through dreams?  Of course.  Does He still speak through dreams?  He speaks much more often, through His Word, His Spirit and the wise counsel of those mature in faith.


Resource reading: Hebrews1:1-4