Do You Believe God Is Great?


How big is God? God Himself gives us some idea in His own words in Isaiah 40:12 where He asks the question, “Who else has held the oceans in his hand?” When I read that question, my next thought was, “I wonder how much water there is in all the oceans of the world?” Here’s the answer: “The National Geographic Society tells us that there are 324 million cubic miles of water on the face of the earth.”[1]


Imagine for a moment that you are standing at sea level and looking up at a mountain that is one mile high. And, further, imagine that the mountain is just as wide as it is tall. That’s the size of one cubic mile. Now multiply that mass by 324 million, and you have a picture of how much water there is in all the oceans of the world.


I think I need to enlarge my concept of how big God really is! My problems that seem so enormous to me must look pretty small to a God who holds the oceans in His hand.


Cowboy songwriter Stuart Hamblin in one of his lyrics asked the question, “How big is God?” He put it this way:


How big is God? How big and wide His vast domain

To try and tell, these lips can only start

He’s big enough to rule His mighty universe

Yet small enough to live within my heart.[2]


Yes, this mighty God who created heaven and earth and can hold the oceans in His hand wants to live in your heart. If you invite Him in, He has promised never to leave you or forsake you. Don’t try to do life without Him.


