Do It For Me


Speaker: Darlene Sala | Series: Encouraging Words | Anita began working with babies who had AIDS. But in the first few months, three of the babies died, and she wanted to quit. Why go on with such painful work? What difference did her love and intervention make if the babies died anyway? When she consulted a friend, her words to Anita were discouraging. “You have not chosen a pretty profession,” she told her.

But somehow Anita Septimus didn’t give up. She continued to minister not only to the children but to their families. She taught them methods of prevention so that other family members wouldn’t contract the dread disease. She was there for them when they grieved as only parents can grieve when they lose a precious child.

Anita continued her labor of love to more than three hundred families with AIDS children. And when one of the babies who would have died without her intervention celebrated her 10th birthday, Anita knew her work was worthwhile. Since 1985 she has been devoted to her life-giving ministry.

Jesus said that one day we will stand before His presence to receive rewards for what we have done. “I tell you the truth,” said Jesus, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40). What encouraging words these are! Maybe you need to write that verse on a card and carry it in your wallet or billfold so you don’t forget. Those words are found in the first book of the New Testament, Matthew—chapter 25, verse 40. That’s Matthew 25:40.

If you are helping someone right now who doesn’t show appreciation, the monotony is getting to you, and you feel like you’re wasting your time, just don’t forget that God is watching. He’s keeping a record of your kindness. Hold on a little longer, so that some day you will hear Jesus’ words, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”