Dig a Trench of Truth


Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth. John 17:17


We are creatures of habit. Do something, or think something, over and over and you’re soon stuck in a habit.


When you’ve developed the habit of believing something that isn’t true, the only antidote is truth. What we need desperately to reset our lie-believing minds and refresh our souls, are God’s Words of truth in the Bible. Jesus prayed for change in the life of His followers by asking His Father to “Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth” (John 17:17). When we take in and memorize God’s truth we’ll see real, personal change.


Craig Groeschel contrasts the false ruts that we fall into, with trenches of truth. A trench, Groeschel explains, is “intentionally dug to deliver a necessary resource.”[1] We dig these life-giving trenches of lie-stopping truth by strategically “choosing specific Bible verses to create a new neural pathway that applies directly to our problem. Using His Word, we will create a trench of truth.” [2]


What does this look like? If I’m discouraged by my struggle with believing that I’m a failure because of past failures, I first search scripture. There, I’ll discover the truth of 2 Corinthians 5:17 which says if I belong to Christ, I’m a new person. The old life is gone and my new life has begun. This scripture goes on my home screen, on my mirror– engraved on my mind. In time, I’m nothing like he lies I once believed.


What scripture do you need for your trench of truth?


[1]Groeschel, Craig. “Crossed Wires and Circular Ruts.” Winning the War in Your Mind: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life, Zondervan Books, Grand Rapids, MI, 2021, p. 86.


[2] Ibid., p. 87.