Can God Help In Troubled Times?


Pastor Jim Cymbala tells of the time when as a boy he was learning to swim at Coney Island.  He had been told to stay in the shallow water but the undertow began to carry him out deeper and deeper.  Salt water filled his nose, and he soon realized he was in serious trouble. Struggling to keep his head above water, he was gripped by panic. Then all at once he unexpectedly felt the arms of his dad underneath him, holding him up. He could relax in his father’s arms, knowing he was safe.

No matter how deep the water is around us, God tells us that “underneath are the everlasting arms” (Deuteronomy 33:27). You may feel that you can’t hold your breath another ten seconds. Panic is filling your heart. Let go and relax and feel God’s strong arms holding you up. You can rest in those arms, for the Bible says they are everlasting arms—arms that will never tire or let you down.

Do you remember the story in the Bible of when Jesus walked on the water of the Sea of Galilee? Peter wanted to go meet Jesus, and at Jesus’ invitation, he climbed out of the boat and actually walked on the water to go to Jesus. “But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me” (Matthew 14:30, 31). And immediately Jesus did just that.

He can do the same for you. You may be in serious trouble, not knowing any way you could survive. But someone said, “When you feel like drowning in life, don’t worry. Your lifeguard walks on water!”[1] He is never far from you, and His everlasting arms will rescue you. Call out to Him right now.

[1] @godtvph., “Heart After God” posted June 19, 2019.