Begin Trusting God With Your Prayer Requests


Jesus said, “Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered” (Luke 12:7).  But my friend LuAnne learned that hairs aren’t the only thing God keeps track of.  I received from her the following urgent prayer request:

My husband, Bill, just came in very distraught. We have a grain bin that has $60,000 worth of soy beans in it. He just discovered that the bin has sprung a leak, and the top layer is rotten.  He doesn’t know how deep it has gone, but it is bad. With soy beans at $8 a bushel and at least a thousand bushels to be thrown out, it is critical to us. The profit from those beans is what we use to put our crops in next year. If we lose them, we will have to stop farming. Tomorrow he will get two men to go into the bin and scoop out the rotten beans.


The next day I received a second email from her:

Thanks so much for lifting our needs to the Lord. As it happened, the two workers didn’t show up, so Bill went into the bin by himself, and was safely out by the time I had to go to work. As to the loss, it is several hundred bushels, and when we sell the rest, they will be discounted.  But Bill is safe, and that is the most important fact. Now we wait to see what the buyer says.


Within three days I heard from LuAnn again:

Today we took the first load of beans to the market. They took them at full price. We expected them to have a little mold on them, but they didn’t. That was a miracle only the Lord could have done. He not only knows the hairs on our heads, but the beans in our bin.


Yes, God keeps track of hairs and beans and bank accounts too. You can trust Him!