Begin Letting The Lord Use You


The prophet Isaiah had a most unusual vision of heaven. He saw the Lord seated on a throne, and then he heard the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” God had a message He wanted conveyed to His people on earth. Quickly Isaiah responded, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8).

Christian writer and speaker Jill Briscoe wrote a book she humorously titled: Here Am I—Send Aaron.  She was referring to the experience Moses had when God called him while in the desert of Kadesh to lead His people out of Egypt to the land He had promised them. Unlike Isaiah, who responded to God, “Here am I—send me,” Moses dug his heels in and made excuses— “Who am I that I should go? What should I tell them? What if they don’t believe me? I am not eloquent. O Lord, please send someone else.” Eventually, in anger, God told him to take his brother Aaron with him to be his mouthpiece (Exodus 3).

Let’s not be too hard on Moses. Moses had run from Egypt 40 years earlier because he was wanted on a murder charge. He had no idea what reaction he would get when he set foot again on Egyptian soil.  Of course, we know the end of the story—that God used Moses in a mighty way to lead several million people right to the edge of the land God had promised them.

What is God asking you to do?  He may be speaking to you about doing something that seems far beyond your abilities. But if He calls you, He will also enable you. I hope you will respond, “Here am I, Lord—send me.”