Are You Living In Yesterday, Today Or Tomorrow?

Speaker: Dr. Harold J. Sala | Series: Guidelines For Living | Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.  Matthew 6:34

When I was a kid in school, I found myself constantly thinking about tomorrow–what I intended to do as soon as I could get out of the classroom and get moving.  The young often dream of tomorrow, thinking of what they are going to do, and the old often focus on yesterday–what they have done.  You know the attitude, “The older I am, the better I was!”  With each telling of the story, the fish gets bigger or the hero gets braver.

However, in between the poles of yesterday and tomorrow is today, which can be lost, sandwiched between the two; nonetheless, life is a continuum.  Today is the tomorrow I thought about yesterday, and eventually it is also going to be the yesterday of life’s tomorrow.  I believe in living for today since it is the only day in my life I can do anything about, and not dream too much about “what I’m going to do tomorrow” or spend a lot of time thinking about what I’ve already done.  Living today is important.

The Bible is full of warnings about being presumptuous–of putting things off until tomorrow, of assuming that it is a sure thing.  James wrote, “Now listen, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.’  Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow.”  Then he asks a serious question: “What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes” (James 4:13,14).

At the same time, I think we often fail to see the importance of tomorrow. Living for today, we often ignore the reality that what happens today is going to affect my tomorrow.  If I abuse my body today, it changes how I will feel tomorrow.  If I yield to my passion and throw away moral restraints, my tomorrow is going to be vitally impacted.  If I ignore common sense, and use my credit cards without thinking of how I can repay the debt, my tomorrow is going to be overclouded.  That’s the cause and effect relationship between today and tomorrow.

Hope that tomorrow can be different, though, is neither presumptuous nor empty.  It is something that is often overlooked.  The belief that God can and perhaps will do tomorrow what I have asked Him to do today isn’t wishful thinking.  It simply takes into account that God is never in a hurry – that, on occasion, His timetable is different from mine and that He is working while I sleep and accomplishing what I really want but doing it His way, not mine.

Hope has a counterforce–a kind of virus that eats away at the dawn of tomorrow’s hope.  It is worry, which causes you to think that tomorrow will be no different from today, or that yesterday’s failure will catch up with you today and thus destroy tomorrow.  Thank God there is His forgiveness which helps you through the minefield of human failure, though it doesn’t cancel out all of the results of your failures.  But knowing that God has forgiven you will help you take His hand and face tomorrow.

The marvelous grace of God gives tomorrow a golden hue as beautiful as the sunrise that paints the sky.  Though we are undeserving we can hold on to hope that tomorrow can be different and not worry about what may happen, or what could happen.  That’s what grace is about, and what hope is about, and what God is about.  It is what takes us through today and helps us face tomorrow without fear or worry.  Thank God, tomorrow can be different.  It can be beautiful no matter what has happened today.

Resource reading:  James 4:1-17

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