Radio reaches them, we like to say at Guidelines. But that phrase takes on a whole new meaning when broadcasts are going out into a Muslim-majority community.
“Many people listen to our radio stations even if they do not tell to others that they do this in their homes,” explains Klodian Lumci of Radio 7 Albania. They don’t visit our church buildings or meetings but they are listening in secret. “We know from letters, phone calls or by messages that they are regularly listening. They accept Jesus and their lives start to change.”
Meeting the team of Radio 7 Albania and Kosovo and hearing stories of those who came to faith from Muslim backgrounds despite the attempts of family members to kill them, was humbling. In 2015, our partners helped plant a Guidelines Community Radio Station in a hidden location. What a joy to see the impact of this station, to see the dire need programs meet and to meet those who send out the Word at great danger to themselves.
Guidelines for Living, which translates to Comment for Today in Albanian, has been popular with listeners in the short time that Radio 7 has been producing the program.
“I follow this program daily because of the many subjects you discuss and the practical help you give for real life situations. You bring this to us through these devotionals. God bless your lives!” wrote a listener.
And you, Guidelines partner, bring these devotionals to this listener.